Louis Garneau Womens Nova Vest Bright Yellow Large
Resistant, light and close-fitting, the Nova vest has been designed to optimize all your outings when weather goes from hot to very cool. This vest is windbreaking, tear and water resistant, while offering freedom of movement thanks to being sleeveless. It's the perfect companion for all your rides, no matter the weather. 全国送料無料!海外在庫商品の為、お届けまでに通常10−20日程お時間を頂いております。税関にて開封される場合がございますが、ご了承ください。海外から輸送中に外箱等に、若干のイタミなどが生じる場合もございますが、商品に問題はございません。どうかご了承ください。
Resistant, light and close-fitting, the Nova vest has been designed to optimize all your outings when weather goes from hot to very cool. This vest is windbreaking, tear and water resistant, while offering freedom of movement thanks to being sleeveless. It's the perfect companion for all your rides, no matter the weather.