パーカーポイント: 95点 予想される飲み頃:2019 - 2035 The 1999 Cristal Rosé Vinothèque spent seven years sur lattes and seven years sur pointes before disgorgement in 2013. Bursting with aromas of dried citrus peel pomelo white cherries fresh pastry iodine and beeswax its medium to full-bodied vinous and fleshy with a chalky backbone that enlivens the wines textural muscular profile concluding with a long and sapid finish. Again theres an extra dimension here beyond what the 1999 Cristal - impressive in its own right - achieves. Fully mature this will drink well for the better part of two decades. (March 2020 Week 1 The Wine Advocate 6th Mar 2020)
《 長期収蔵ワインならではの絶妙なバランス(果実味、フレッシュ感、熟成感)をご堪能いただきたいという思いが見事に結実しました。シャンパーニュ愛好家は、時の力に感嘆し、シュール・ラット(横並び)とシュール・ポワント(逆立ち)のボトルがずらりと並ぶ「ヴィノテーク」にいるかのような錯覚に陥ることでしょう。 》
‐ 醸造責任者、ジャン・バティスト・レカイヨン
Louis Roederer
Cristal Vinotheque Rose
予想される飲み頃:2019 - 2035
The 1999 Cristal Rosé Vinothèque spent seven years sur lattes and seven years sur pointes before disgorgement in 2013. Bursting with aromas of dried citrus peel pomelo white cherries fresh pastry iodine and beeswax its medium to full-bodied vinous and fleshy with a chalky backbone that enlivens the wines textural muscular profile concluding with a long and sapid finish. Again theres an extra dimension here beyond what the 1999 Cristal - impressive in its own right - achieves. Fully mature this will drink well for the better part of two decades.
(March 2020 Week 1 The Wine Advocate 6th Mar 2020)
ルイ ロデレール
Louis Roederer